Monday, December 7, 2009

Interior Paint Textured

Untitled (2009)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

How Much Does Tiffany Engraving Cost

Cimaise XIII - Julien Martin

Julien Martin
Rouge Baiser , 2008
installation, dimensions variable.
details here.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Log Furniture Oregon Post A Comment


Considering the idea that a "place of memory in every sense of the word is going to be the most tangible and concrete, possibly geographically located at the object more abstract and intellectually constructed "1, I propose to focus specifically on certain areas of memory carriers serve as important cultural landmarks. I want to understand how well the memory of a place influence our identity. To get there, I put in perspective shared experiences and transposes experience of works Art questioning the different variants of memory: collective, individual, short and long term, auditory, visual, olfactory, tactile, and the alteration thereof. It is from this assumption that Pierre Nora I examine our relationship to different places of memory while stressing the presence of a cultural heritage that helped shape our identity.

My artistic interventions are realized via the multimedia installation, audio recording through photography and performance. These materials seem to be the most consistent and mediums effective for the realization of my projects. The memory can indeed be extended by various methods such as photography, audio recording and video, which keep track of. To achieve my goals, I recontextualizes photographs and audio tracks by offering new experiences. That these materials are original or taken from the archives of all kinds, they become a metaphor for memory. Often, the location and light are used as material and take a leading role in the work.

(1) Nora, Pierre. 1997. "The places of memory" Vol. 1. Paris: Gallimard-Quarto.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Can A Woman Strangle A Men

Press Article

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Texas Real Estate Bill Of Sale


The greenhouse hardening little turn in the greenhouse farming after three months of living plants in the conditions of hardening.

in greenhouse farming is not involved in the environmental conditions unless the temperature is above 35 ° C in this case we increase the frequency of spraying and irrigation.

After three months in the greenhouse farming plans are ready to be transplanted if they are 40 cm in length.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How Much Is Manish Malhotra


After two months in the greenhouse for rooting cuttings are sorted and transplanted in the greenhouse for hardening. This greenhouse is designed to fit young rooted cuttings to environmental conditions outside. In this greenhouse is maintaining a growth temperature between 20 and 25C degrees and the humidity is reduced from 50 to 70%.

Cuttings are transplanted into pots or bags of 0.5 to 3 liters containing a homogeneous mixture disinfected before transplantation. Fertilizer is added to the bottom (NPK) or slow-release fertilizer to the mixture prepared. In the modern nursery cuttings were transplanted into pots of 7 x 7 x 9 cm or 9 x 9 x 10 cm using peat as substrate.

Peat mixed with slow-release fertilizer
  • The composition of mixtures

1èr mixture:



Fine sand


second mixture:





Sand River


third mixture:



Sand River


Fine sand


transplantation can be done manually or mechanically. The first days after transplantation, the seedlings are regularly irrigated by sprinklers, watering or drip. Sprinklers are required if the cuttings are transplanted into small pots. It brings nutrients through irrigation. After I are reduced water inflows in order to promote habituation of the middle cuttings outside.

plants after two months in the greenhouse hardening

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Diy Party Invitations Ice Skate


In the right conditions for rooting cuttings form callus after 15 days. These calli differentiated to give, after 20 days roots. The callus formation is the first step of rooting, but it is insufficient to obtain rooted cuttings, root initiation may be inhibited temporarily or permanently.

can promote the appearance of roots or improve the quality of new roots by spraying a solution of IBA to cuttings of cuttings after 15 days.

Formation de cal Racines inhibées

Training cal
Roots inhibited

Initiation of roots

During the rooting period, any change in environmental conditions may cause them to dry out and die. These variations are falling humidity, low or excessive rise in temperature.

The rooting conditions mentioned above are favorable for growing mushrooms. Antifungal treatment should be made either preventive or curative. If you can not heat the greenhouse should be discontinued if misting the temperature is below 24 ° C during the day ..

Formation de cal Racines inhibées

Friday, August 21, 2009

Extracting Two Front Teeth


Percentage rooting of some varieties.
66-100% 33-66% 0-33%
Aglandau Aggezi Shami Azéradj
Arbequina Azapa Bella di Spagna
Ascolana Tender Tender Bardhi Bianchera
Barnea Bella di Cerignola Biancolilla
Bouteillan Bical Castelo Braco Büyük Topak Ulak
Coratina bidh El Hammam Carrasquenha
Cordovil Castelo Branco Cailletier Chemlal
Frantoio Cakir Chemlal Sfax
Gordal Granada Rough Domat
Leccino Chalkidiki Empeltre
Lech Seville Chemchali Forge
Lucques Erkence Gordal Sevillana
Manzanilla de Sevilla Galega vulgar Leccio the horn
Mission Kalamata Lianolia Kerkyras
Mixan Picholine Nabal Baladi
Moraiolo Picholine Marocaine Nocellara Etna
Nocellara Messina Picual Ogliarola Messina
Oblic Sigoise OUESLATI
Pendolino Taggiasca Salonenque
Verdal Verdale L'héraukt Verdeal Alentejana

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Bottomless Babes What Men Want


Tangos Sunday best
Come dance with us on Sunday afternoon in an atmosphere most convivial
15 h to 18 h
at 1362 King Street West, Sherbrooke

(Dance Studio T umbao ubano C)
Cost $ 5
February 14
February 28
March 14
March 28
April 11
April 25
May 9
May 23
Each milonga is preceded by a special workshop between 14 am and 15 pm
See the schedule of workshops listed cons

Information: Claudette and Robert 819 562-7917

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Denise Milani Big Boobs Nipple



The first, fourth and fifth Sunday of the month, Tango del Este Tango invites you to its Sunday best, outdoors at Centennial Park (Lennoxville).
Quite simply, Claudette and Robert offer their best music for the Sunday appointment of tango dancers and curious.
Address: Street corner Speid Street and Meade, Sherbrooke (Lennoxville)
Bring your lawn chair
Time: 15 h30 to 18 h30
Dates: June 7

June 28 July 26 July 5

August 2 August 23 (exceptionally from 17h to 19h)
August 30
Between 15h and 15h30 Free Trial Period

For information: Claudette and Robert Montreuil Courville 819 562-7917

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Brazilian Waxing Before And After Shots


Place memory study: The uterus

Work undertaken as part of a residence at Avatar, Quebec

Work "Ultrasound" Myriam Lambert Myriam Lambert from we Vimeo.

In the room where the darkness is almost complete, a speaker suspended emits a complex tangle of organic sounds, beats the heart of adults and children, breathing and bowel sounds. A screw glued to the speaker absorbs sound vibrations, and these are transmitted to a canister of water suspended a few inches of the audio device. As one hears the sounds, the waves give a circular motion to the screw, causing a myriad of paths in the water. These oscillations then take liquids architectural dimensions and invade the venue for their bright ideas. Soon, the viewer understands that the sound frequencies are causing undulations of light present on the walls, ceiling and floor. Ultrasound leaves an impression of "already felt" like when we were in the womb of our mother.

An analogy between this work and the medium of photography is obvious: the sound waves become negative, the cartridge of water becomes an enlarger, and walls, meanwhile, used paper. The fingerprint is then transformed into photographic memory of a place. Multiple refractions of this work are the mirror images and sounds that make up the primordial environment of the fetus. Although it was developed using new technologies, this facility purified transcends technique and direct challenge of sensations already experienced by all, transmuting our relationship to the world in a poetic experience.

Ultrasound reminds the viewer / listener experiences his very first video and audio in the womb. We absolutely must remember a moment so that the latter has marked our body memory? This immersive installation was developed on the concept of sensory memory, emphasizing the fact that the body is the main entrance of all variations of memory: auditory, visual, group, location, etc.. According
Pernoud (2007: 12), it appears that "it is between five and half months and six months that can locate the early reactions to auditory stimulation [a fetus]. " His heartbeat and those of his mother, and the sounds of landslides, breaths and rumblings are an integral part of its acoustic environment. This sensitive atmosphere immerses the listener into a quiet typing.

Although it's a time to initiation of the most fundamental of our lives, it is removed from our "slide" of memories. Sensory memory is the only reference we have of that moment. Moreover, Ultrasound is also a reflection of a collective memory: the work presents us with common roots that are the basis of identity.

PERNOUD, Laurence, (2007), I am expecting a child, Paris, Editions Horay, 476 p.

------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------

This work was conducted as part of a residency at AVATAR association creation and dissemination in electronic and sound arts. Thank Mériol Lehmann, Jocelyn Robert, Amanda Gauthier and Marie-Christine Desbiens AVATAR and Genevieve Mom, Dad Michael, baby Alexander, Manon mom, dad and baby Stephen Joseph for the audio recording of the child's heart.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Creative Fingers Tech Deck


  • Substrate:
cuttings during the rooting phase are susceptible to decay caused by fungi, therefore the substrate must t be sterile. For proper formation are roots and reduce the risk of infection, the substrate must be well ventilated. The substrate must maintain a level of moisture and good drainage const ant:

  • - In an open place, with an automatic misting system, we must use 100% perlite. There are nurseries that use 20% 80% perlite and peat without problems. This depent good management conditions in the greenhouse for rooting.
  • - Indoors or misting is manual, the substrate should hold more water, have to use 50% peat and 50% perlite, sand or vermiculite. One can even use 100% sand.
Mixtures proposed :
  • - 1 / 9 of peat and 8 / 9 perlite.
  • - 2 / 3 yellow sand and 1 / 3 always rbe blonde.
  • - 1 / 3 vermiculite and 2 / 3 of p erlite on a layer of sand .
turbe,bouturage fibres,noix de coco,plant
The Peat
coconut fibers
substrate temperatures:
  • - The substrate temperature should p have come down below 18 ° C, 20 ° C is optimum.
  • Humidity:
For that cuttings do not dry, moisture from the air must be very high (90-100%) and wet the substrate well. In an open place:
  • - can reduce the number of leaf cuttings to reduce the transpiration rate.
  • - can uti Liser a misting system or use an automatic misting system temperate 05 to 10 seconds of mist every 15 to 20 minutes is sufficient .
  • - misting stops for the night.
  • - can make by fogging construction emissions cuttings:
- 1 to 2 times per day - 1-2 times a week.
  • Temp érature:
To prevent wilting of the cuttings temperature range is between 24 to 27 ° C. during the day. The 15 ° C overnight is accepted.
  • cuttings s:
The presence of a timber yard is needed to control and maintain the health of trees. The trees from which cuttings are taken must be aged a minimum of 4 years or early production period. features branches to choose:
  • - Twigs from trees free of all diseases and pre-tested for their quality and variety performance.
  • - twigs 6 to 12 months 25 to 30 cm.
  • - Twigs sufficiently hardened off without being very woody.
  • - The branches have a certain succulence.
  • - The branches of the outside.
  • - The herbaceous shoots that break at 90 ° bends.
  • - The fall harvest is better than the spring (178 to 186 days before flowering):
  • - strong cambial activity period: early spring and late autumn.
  • - twigs taken from trees well watered and well fed
Preparation of cuttings:
  • - Disinfect areas and slides.
  • - The time period between sampling branches and the establishment of the cuttings must be at least 36 hours.
  • - The branches take the cuttings from 10 to 15 cm in length.
  • - Cut just below the basal node and 1 cm above the bud.
  • - Keep 2 to Four upper leaves on the cuttings.
  • Hormone:
AIB liquid:
  • - The solution of the AIB should be stored away from light because the infra-red and ultra-violet can alter.
  • - Use of hormone concentrations from 4000 to 6000 ppm with soaking time from May to October seconds.
  • - Dip cuttings 2-3 cm deep.
AIB powder:
  • - Use powder 1% of the AIB
  • Placing cuttings:
  • - Indoors disinfect the place of planting (grass cuttings) 24 h before transplanting.
  • - Treat the cuttings with 3% bleach if the rate of decay after planting is important.
  • - Working out of direct sunlight to prevent wilting of the cuttings and degradation of the hormone (AIB)
  • Treat the base of the cuttings with alcohol or fungicide.
  • - Softwood cuttings should be planted quickly and can be stored semi-hardwood cuttings a few hours in a humid place.
  • - Put the cuttings 3-5 cm deep.
  • - Put cuttings from 400 to 1000 per sqm depending on the media cuttings (bin, shelf trays, blister).
bouturage,semi ligneux,olivier enracinement,olivier,plant,boutures
semi-wood cuttings of olive