Monday, September 27, 2010

Milena Velba Oregnant Bus

Videoscope Videoscope # 01 # 01

Evening Videoscope # 01
Thursday, October 7 19h-23h
Programming Pocket Films

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blood Donation Clip Art




media artwork in situ

In the choir of the Church of St. Dominic

175, Gande-Allée Ouest Quebec

From 12 to 22 November 2010 - 9am to 16H

(exhibition closed at Mass - 11:30 to 12:30)

Opening: November 11, 2010 from 17H to 19H

From 19pm, a buffet of traditional food is served in the basement of the church.

Why do you feel about Quebec? The family, climate, trees, water, food, religion and morals ... Myriam Lambert has a particular focus on Quebec as a place holder memory and serve as important cultural landmarks.

Chillwind in the hippocampus is a metaphor for the visual and aural memory of Quebecers (es). Broadcast in an area that has particularly shaped the identity of province, the church, this work offers a new way of looking at the history of Quebec, the identity of Quebeckers. Through this work, the artist recontextualizes several original documents from archives or reworked. Projections of images on the blades of wind turbines moving and sounds are crushed into perspective popular experiences identity markers. At once poetic and political, this work will earn you over time, but this time he is not part yet today?


This exhibition is made possible through the financial contribution from the Canada Council and of Ovation First program of the City of Quebec. This work was conducted as part of artist residencies and Avatar Productions Recto-Verso.

Photographs from the National Archives, Archives of Quebec City and the Archive of the Lambert family.